Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy IX & Hokuto no Ken

Feel free to contact me with reviews, comments, or questions about the fics below!

- 12.9.24 - Ch. 3 posted for "A Cat Has Nine Lives"
- 11.25.24 - Ch. 2 posted for "A Cat Has Nine Lives"
- 11.15.24 - Ch. 1 posted for new fic "A Cat Has Nine Lives"

Final Fantasy VII

Vince is a kitty and a pudding and I'm not sorry

Sugar cookie Cid & Vince

"Stray Cat, Looking for a Good Home"
rating: PG-13
pairing(s): Cid Highwind + Vincent Valentine
summary: Cid Highwind has never questioned his preferences. He's also pretty darn sure that he hates labels or being told what to do. So what if he wants to snuggle with Vincent Valentine, he's just trying to make sure they both get a good night's sleep. It has nothing to do with the fact that the man is drop dead gorgeous and maybe a little cute too, in borrowed pajamas. Foul mouthed engineer who can't stop wanting to fix things + stoic and emotionally damaged ex-Turk in need of a hug.

* * *

"A Cat Has Nine Lives"
rating: PG-13
pairing(s): Cid Highwind + Vincent Valentine, minor Tifa + Cloud, minor Elena + Tseng
summary: After the events of Deepground Vincent's recovery is not going well. The Turks decide to help Cid break him out of the hospital in hopes of improving his odds. Sequel to "Stray Cat, Looking for a Good Home" but definitely can be read as a standalone. Post DoC, placed after the end of the credits and in lieu of the half dozen epilogues after (toss all the shit with Shelke in a shredder... only reference to any of it is that one week passes). OG FFVII universe based with DoC, a hint of Before Crisis, and a little influence from Advent Children as well.

- Ch. 1: For three he plays
- Ch. 2: For three he strays
- Ch. 3: And for the last three he stays

Final Fantasy IX

A sketch I did of Kuja and Zidane a few years ago. Never quite finished it...

In game renders from Dissidia Final Fantasy.

"The Show Must Go On"
rating: PG-13 to NC-17
pairing(s): Zidane Tribal x Kuja, Zidane + Dagger, Blank + Marcus
summary: "Take care of Kuja." Zidane wondered if he'd misunderstood what Garland had meant by that. A canon inspired tumble through the events at the end of the game and beyond, hitting Kuja's issues along the way.

- Prologue: Hang On in There
- Ch. 1: The Show Must Go On
- Ch. 2: Leaving Home Ain't Easy
- Ch. 3: I Can't Live With You
- Ch. 4: Pain Is So Close to Pleasure
- Ch. 5: The Great Pretender
- Ch. 6: Don't Stop Me Now
- Ch. 7: Too Much Love Will Kill You
- Ch. 8: Don't Try So Hard
- Ch. 9: Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy
- Ch. 10: Teo Torriatte (Let Us Cling Together)
- Ch. 11: Long Away
- Ch. 12: I Want to Break Free
- Ch. 13: Keep Yourself Alive
- Ch. 14: Hammer to Fall
- Ch. 15: In My Defence
- Ch. 16: Scandal
- Ch. 17: Under Pressure
- Ch. 18: Doing All Right
- Ch. 19: Reaching Out
- Ch. 20: Through the Night
- Ch. 21: Back to the Light
- Ch. 22: Keep Passing the Open Windows
- Ch. 23: Dreamer's Ball
- Ch. 24: Somebody to Love
- Ch. 25: Back Chat
- Ch. 26: Rain Must Fall
- Ch. 27: Sheer Heart Attack
- Ch. 28: I Was Born to Love You
- Ch. 29: Crazy Little Thing Called Love
- Ch. 30: Good Company
- Ch. 31: A Dozen Red Roses for My Darling
- Ch. 32: Action This Day
- Ch. 33: White Queen (As It Began)
- Ch. 34: One Vision
- Ch. 35: Love Me Like There's No Tomorrow
- Epilogue: These Are the Days of Our Lives

Hokuto no Ken Ficlets
"Jidai Wa Yuusha no Densetsu O Kataritsugu" (Your Heroic Legend Will Be Told Throughout Time) aka the Hokuto no Ken LJ Ficlet Series
rating: PG
pairing(s): various (listed after each individual "chapter" description)
summary: One-shots. Various ficlets, scenes or drabbles that I've posted on my LJ.

- "Nanto no Tamashii Moyu"
300 word triple drabble - Rei + Mamiya: "Rei wasn't much for idle conversation, not unless it amused him. And it was hard to predict what would amuse him." Spoiler warning for episode 57 + of the Hokuto no Ken TV series.
- "Otoko no Namida Wa Ichido Dake"
Ficlet - Toki, Raoh: "What have you done, Raoh? You should have taken my life, but instead, you took away my reason for living." Spoiler warning for episode 71 + of the Hokuto no Ken TV series.

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