
Feel free to contact me with reviews, comments, or questions about the fics below!

- 2.14.25 - Ch 3. posted for "Coming Around Again"
- 2.3.25 - Ch 2. posted for "Coming Around Again"
- 1.12.25 - Ch 1. posted for "Coming Around Again"

Animated Series

Alucard's "Nocturne of Recollection" portrait, referenced in ch. 5

"Wintersong" - Trevor and lil' Treffy Jr.

"The Ambiguously Bisexual Trio" - chibis!

"Of all the Belmonts..." - getting tacky with a t-shirt!

"Alu-kitty and the Dolls of Depression Pt. 1" - Alu-kitty wants his dolls!

"Alu-kitty and the Dolls of Depression Pt. 2" - Alu-kitty snuggly and sleepy with his dolls

"300 Kudos" - Thanks for 300 kudos for "Milky Way"!

"400 Kudos" - Thanks for 400 kudos for "Milky Way"!

Trevor's "Curse of Darkness" attire, referenced in epilogue

Trevor's "Grimoire of Souls" attire, referenced in epilogue

Sypha's "Pachislot Akumajō Dracula III" attire, referenced in epilogue

Ann's Alucard doll

"200 Kudos" - Thanks for 200 kudos for "Living Years"!

The following stories are part of an AU I've named "Under the Milky Way." Post S3 + S4 animation canon based Trephacard attempting to "fix" things from the end of S3 and on. Fics below are listed in chronological order within the timeline of the ficverse, NOT the order they were written in.

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"Under the Milky Way"
rating: R to NC-17
pairing(s): Trevor + Sypha + Alucard, Trevor + Sypha (w/ implied Trevor x Sypha), Sypha x Alucard, Trevor x Alucard (& rev)
summary: After the events of Lindenfeld, all Trevor and Sypha wanted was to return to the closest thing they had to "home," but Alucard has not fared well in their absence. "You wanted to save the world, remember?" " He also needed it. He needed us."

- Ch. 1: Step one, you say we need to talk
He walks, you say sit down, it's just a talk

- Ch. 2: Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness

- Ch. 3: Or he'll say he's just not the same
And you'll begin to wonder why you came

- Ch. 4: Lay down a list of what is wrong
The things you've told him all along

- Ch. 5: Some sort of window to your right
As he goes left, and you stay right

- Ch. 6: He smiles politely back at you
You stare politely right on through

- Ch. 7: Drive until you lose the road
Or break with the ones you've followed

- Ch. 8: He will do one of two things
He will admit to everything

- Ch. 9: And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

- Ch. 10: As he begins to raise his voice
You lower yours and grant him one last choice

- Ch. 11: Let him know that you know best
'Cause after all, you do know best

- Ch. 12: Try to slip past his defense
Without granting innocence

- Ch. 13: Through the zero hour we'll walk
We'll cut the thick and break the thin

- Ch. 14: You know the way / It twists and turns
Changing color / Spinning yarns

- Ch. 15: It spits you out / When you desire
To conquer it / To feel you're higher

- Ch. 16: You lift me up / And get me out
Keep me walking / But never shout

- Ch. 17: No sound to break no moment clear
When all the doubts are crystal clear

- Ch. 18: I find you in the morning
After dreams of distant signs

- Ch. 19: Move the heart / Switch the pace
Look for what seems out of place

- Ch. 20: You pour yourself over me
Like the sun through the blinds

- Ch. 21: You know the way / It's painted gold
Is it honey / Is it gold

- Epilogue: On and on it goes
Calling like a distant wind

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"What's the Story Morning Glory?"
rating: NC-17
pairing(s): Trevor x Alucard, Sypha x Alucard, Trevor x Sypha x Alucard
summary: One-shot. Alucard's first time with both his lovers. A PWP intermission set late / post-"Under the Milky Way." Trevor wakes up with morning wood, Sypha takes Alucard for a ride, then hands the reins back to Trevor. Choo choo, all aboard the Alucard express!

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rating: G
pairing(s): Trevor + Sypha + Alucard
summary: One-shot. Christmas fluff - Sypha, Trevor and Adrian go hunting on a snowy winter day.

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"Love Bites (So Do I)"
rating: NC-17
pairing(s): Trevor x Sypha, Trevor & Alucard x Sypha, Alucard x Trevor
summary: Every so often Alucard lets his inner vampire out to play, and that means porking the absolute stuffing out of Trevor. Trevor x Sypha and bite happy top!Alucard x bottom!Trevor, after both boys work over Sypha a bit. A PWP intermission set between "Under the Milky Way" and "The Living Years."

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"Make Me Blind When Your Eyes Close, Tie Me to the Bedpost"
rating: NC-17
pairing(s): Trevor + Sypha + Alucard, Trevor x Alucard, Dracula + Lisa
summary: Trevor has a lot of little kinks. While Sypha's not interested, Alucard is more than susceptible to Trevor's powers of persuasion. Meanwhile in the coastal town of Whitby, England, a distance mirror is activated at the worst possible time... Mostly PWP prologue to "The Living Years," but posted separately due to content / rating.

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"The Living Years"
rating: R
pairing(s): Trevor + Sypha + Alucard, Dracula + Lisa
summary: Vlad Tepes, formerly known as Dracula, utilizes a distance mirror in hopes of reconnecting and reconciling with his estranged son. But while a lot can change in four and a half years, like marital status and children... other things can stagnate, like the physical and emotional scars left behind by grief and a moment's rage. Sequel to "Under the Milky Way" but can be read as a standalone.

- Ch. 1: It may have a new perspective
On a different day

- Ch. 2: And all of their frustrations
Come beating on your door

- Ch. 3: Stilted conversations
I'm afraid that's all we've got

- Ch. 4: Oh, crumpled bits of paper
Filled with imperfect thought

- Ch. 5: So we open up a quarrel
Between the present and the past

- Ch. 6: I know that I'm a prisoner
To all my father held so dear

- Ch. 7: I know that I'm a hostage
To all his hopes and fears

- Ch. 8: I'm sure I heard his echo
In my baby's new born tears

- Ch. 9: You just can't get agreement
In this present tense

- Ch. 10: We all talk a different language
Talking in defence

- Ch. 11: Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear

- Ch. 12: So don't yield to the fortunes
You sometimes see as fate

- Ch. 13: And if you don't give up, and don't give in
You may just be okay

Animated Series + Main Game Universe

Title image for "Coming Around Again"

What if Alucard was a Honduran white bat? (Ch. 1 & 2 reference)

"Coming Around Again"

rating: NC-17

pairing(s): Trevor x Alucard, Trevor x Sypha x Alucard, Maria x Alucard, Richter x Alucard, minor Soma + Mina

summary: During the events of Grimoire of Souls, Alucard learns that Elgos' catalogues are not the only way to bring back those loved and lost from the distant past. An immortal heart, an eidetic memory, vows of love and friendship, can call forth beloved, brave souls all the same. But once crisis is averted, what happens to those same heroes who have been forgotten even by the annuls of history?

A reunion tale combining aspects of various game canons including Symphony of the Night, Aria of Sorrow, Grimoire of Souls, Judgment, plus the original Castlevania animation. May include some minor referencing of other games / source material.

Trevor, Sypha and Alucard's relationship based off "Under the Milky Way," my post S4 animation canon based series, but this story can be read as a standalone. Maria and Richter based off Symphony of the Night.

- Ch. 1: Trevor vs. Tokyo, 2036

- Ch. 2: Trevor vs. A Night At an Izakaya

- Intermission: Trevor x Alucard

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